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Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-29  |  170KB  |  500x523  |  8-bit (223 colors)
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OCR: THE BEST SAVINGS YIELDS IN THE U.S. Bant Yield on Yield or Miaimum Telephone rating Institution (state) Dec.4 imestment nembo MONEY-MARKET ACCOUNTS MBNA America (Del.) 5.65% 5.65% $2 500 800-345-0397 Piedmont Federal Saving's a. 5.54 5.64 25 2,500 703-361 -2121 First Deposit I [N.H.] 5.51 5.65 26 5.000 800 -821 .9049 Standard! Pacific : Savings (Calif.) 5.48 5.48 1,000 800- -325- 7283 Homestead Federal: Savings (Pa.] 5.18 5.34 2,500 717.944.1 301 National average .23% 4.65% month ago 5.9% yearago SIX-MONTH CDs Washington Federal Savings (O.C.) 5.30 5.51 1,000 703-478-9100 Custom Savings {Md. 5.20 5.40 2.500 301 486- 5200 First Deposit National T(N.H.I 519 5.52 26 10,000 800-621 -9049 Homestead Federal Savings [Pa.] 513 5.51 500 717-944-1 1301 Home Federal Savings (D.C.] 5.13 5.54 .000 202 ...